Artigos publicados em revistas científicas indexadas com peritagem
Brites, Maria José, Ponte, Cristina & Menezes, Isabel (2017). Youth talking about news and civic daily life. Journal of Youth Studies, 20:3, 398-412. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2016.1241862
Coelho, Dalila P., Caramelo, João & Menezes, Isabel (2018). Why words matter: Deconstructing the discourses of development education practitioners in development NGOs in Portugal. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 10(1): 39–58. DOI
Coelho, Dalila P., Caramelo, João & Menezes, Isabel (2019). Mapping the field of Development Education in Portugal: narratives and challenges in a de/post/colonial context. Journal of Social Science Education, 18, 2, 110-132.
Coelho, Dalila P., Caramelo, João & Menezes, Isabel (2021). Global citizenship and the global citizen/consumer: Perspectives from practitioners in development NGOs in Portugal. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, DOI: 10.1177/1746197921999639
Cruz, Joana M., Malafaia, Carla, Silva, José E. & Menezes, Isabel (2019). The use of Theatre of the Oppressed inside the classroom: engaging students in a critical active European citizenship project. Educational Forum, 83, 4, 365-382.
Cruz, Joana M., Malafaia, Carla, Piedade, Filipe, Silva, José E. & Menezes, Isabel (2019). Promoting European active citizenship: a participatory intervention towards the politicisation of youth social concerns. Psicologia di Comunità, 1, 69-89.
Dias, Teresa S. & Menezes, Isabel (2013). The role of classroom experiences and school ethos in the development of children as political actors: Confronting the vision of pupils and teachers. Educational and Child Psychology, 30, 1, 26-37.
Dias, Teresa S. & Menezes, Isabel (2014). Children and adolescents as political actors: Collective visions of politics and citizenship. Journal of Moral Education, 43, 3, 250-268. DOI:
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Malafaia, Carla, Ferreira, Pedro, Cicognani, Elvira & Menezes, Isabel (2012). The many faces of Hermes: The quality of participation experiences and its effects on migrant and non-migrant youth. Human Affairs, 22 (3): 434-447. DOI: 10.2478/s13374-012-0035-y
Ferreira, Pedro, Coimbra, Joaquim L., & Menezes, Isabel (2012). “Diversity within diversity”: Exploring connections between community, participation and citizenship. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 11¸ 3, 118-132.
Ferreira, Pedro, Azevedo, Cristina, & Menezes, Isabel (2012). The developmental quality of participation experiences: Beyond the rhetoric that “participation is always good!”. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 3, 599-610. DOI:
Loff, Manuel & Menezes, Isabel (Eds.). (2015). Introduction: Revolution and memories. Journal of Social Science Education, 14(2), 2-3. DOI: 10.2390/jsse-v14-i2-1451.
Magalhães, António M., & Stoer, Stephen R. (2003). Performance, citizenship and the knowledge society: A new mandate for European education policy. Globalisation, Societies & Education, 1(1), 41-66.DOI:
Malafaia, Carla, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Ribeiro, Norberto, Neves, Tiago, Coimbra, Joaquim L., & Menezes, Isabel (2013). Civic and political e-participation of young immigrants: ‘Digital hope’ for inclusion? International Journal of E-Politics, 4 (1), 32-49. (WPSA). DOI:
Malafaia, Carla, Teixeira, Pedro M., Neves, Tiago & Menezes, Isabel (2016). Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students’ civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00575
Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago & Menezes, Isabel (2016). «Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia»: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 49, 51-71. DOI:
Malafaia, Carla, Luhtakallio, Eeva; Menezes, Isabel, & Neves, Tiago (2017). Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal. Current Sociology. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1177/0011392117704243
Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago & Menezes, Isabel (2017). In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy. Journal of Social Science Education, 16, 1, 43-55. DOI: 10.4119/UNIBI/jsse-v16-i1-1587
Malafaia, Carla, Menezes, Isabel, & Neves, Tiago (2018). Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party. The Qualitative Report, 23(1), 49-79.
Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago, & Menezes, Isabel (2021). The gap between youth and politics: youngsters outside the regular school system assessing the conditions for be(com)ing political subjects. Young, DOI: 10.1177/1103308820987996
Menezes, Isabel, & Makkawi, Ibrahim (2013). Editorial: Youth Civic and Political Participation and Citizenship Education in the South of the Mediterranean: Lessons from the Arab Spring. Journal of Social Science Education, 12, 1 2-5. DOI:
Menezes, Isabel, & Ferreira, Pedro (2014). Cidadania participatória no cotidiano escolar: A vez e a voz das crianças e dos jovens. Educar em Revista, 53, 131-147.
Menezes, Isabel, Pereira, Virgílio B., & Hedtke, Reinhold (2016). Introdução: Educação e participação cívica e política: 40 anos de mudança em Portugal e na Europa. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 49, 7-10.
Menezes, Isabel (2017). Commentary: The failure of social education or just going down the road of post-democratic politics? Journal of Social Science Education, 16, 1, 17-20. DOI: 10.4119/UNIBI/jsse-v16-i1-1631
Menezes, Pedro, Menezes, Isabel, & Ribeiro, Norberto (2021). Education, neurosis and exception: What really matters in education during/beyond the pandemic? Citizenship Teaching & Learning, DOI: 10.1386/ctl_00062_1
Pais, Sofia, Guedes, Margarida, & Menezes, Isabel (2012). The values of empowerment and citizenship and the experience of children and adolescents with a chronic disease. Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 11, 2, 133-144.
Piedade, Filipe, Ribeiro, Norberto, Loff, Manuel, Neves, Tiago & Menezes, Isabel (2018). Learning about the European Union in times of crisis: Portuguese textbooks’ normative visions of European citizenship. Journal of Social Science Education, 17, 2, 31-40. DOI:
Piedade, Filipe, Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago, Loff, Manuel & Menezes, Isabel (2020). Educating critical citizens? Portuguese teachers and students’ visions of critical thinking at school. Thinking Skills and Creativity, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100690
Piedade, Filipe, Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Loff, Manuel, Menezes, Isabel & Neves, Tiago (2021). A cidadania europeia na escola: complementando o currículo. Educação e Pesquisa, DOI: 10.1590/s1678-4634202147230371
Queiroz, Lucicleia B., & Menezes, Isabel (2013). Exploring the limits and potentials of youth participation in public policy as citizenship learning: A study in the State of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 12¸ 3, 51-59.
Queiroz, Lucicleia B., & Menezes, Isabel (2013). Lazer e participação nas políticas públicas para jovens do estado do Acre/Brasil. FIEP BULLETIN, 83, 1-4.
Ribeiro, Ana Bela, Rodrigues, Mariana, Caetano, Andreia, Pais, Sofia, & Menezes, Isabel (2012). Promoting ‘active citizens’? The critical vision of NGOs over citizenship education as an educational priority across Europe. International Journal of Progressive Education, 8, 3, 32-47.
Ribeiro, Ana Bela, & Menezes, Isabel (2015). Educação e democracia: Potencialidades e riscos da parceria entre escolas e ONG. Interacções, 36, 68-83. DOI:
Ribeiro, Ana Bela, Caetano, Andreia & Menezes, Isabel (2016). Citizenship education, educational policies and NGOs. British Educational Research Journal, 42: 4, 543-728. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3228
Ribeiro, Ana Bela & Menezes, Isabel (2022). Youth participation and citizenship education. JSSE – Journal of Social Science Education, 21, 1,
Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Neves, Tiago, Ferreira, Pedro D., & Menezes, Isabel (2012). Education and citizenship: redemption or disempowerment? A study of Portuguese-speaking migrant (and non-migrant) youth in Portugal. Power and Education, 4, 2, 207-218. DOI:
Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Neves, Tiago, & Menezes, Isabel (2014). Europe as a Beacon of Democracy? Citizenship Policies relating to Youth and Migrants in Portugal. Journal of Civil Society, 10, 1, 51-68. DOI:
Ribeiro, Norberto, Neves, Tiago, & Menezes, Isabel (2014). Educação para a cidadania em Portugal: contributos para analisar a sua evolução no currículo escolar português. Currículo sem Fronteiras, 14, 3, 12-31.
Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago, Ferreira, Pedro D., & Menezes, Isabel (2015). Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: Perceptions of young people with migrant and non-migrant background in Portugal. Journal of Youth Studies, 18:6, 685-705. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2014.992307
Ribeiro, Norberto, Neves, Tiago, & Menezes, Isabel (2016). Migração, género e participação cívica e política: motivações, barreiras e conceções de cidadania entre jovens de origem angolana, brasileira e portuguesa. Análise Social, 221, LI (4º), 822-849.
Ribeiro, Norberto, Neves, Tiago, & Menezes, Isabel (2017). An organization of the theoretical perspectives in the field of civic and political participation: Contributions to citizenship education. Journal of Political Science Education, 13:4, 426-446, DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2017.1354765
Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Neves, Tiago & Menezes, Isabel (2019). Immigration and the ambivalence of the school: Between inclusion and exclusion of migrant youth. Urban Education, 54(9), 1290–1318. DOI: 10.1177/0042085916641172
Rios, Clementina & Menezes, Isabel (2017). ‘I saw a magical garden with flowers that people could not damage!’: Children’s visions of nature and of learning about nature in and out of school. Environmental Education Research, 23: 10, 1402-1413. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2017.1325450.
Rios, Clementina, Neilson, Alison & Menezes, Isabel (2021). COVID-19 and the desire of children to return to nature: Emotions in the face of environmental and intergenerational injustices. The Journal of Environmental Education, DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2021.1981207
Rodrigues, Mariana, Menezes, Isabel, & Ferreira, Pedro (2015). The organisational and educational context of the Portuguese Catholic Scout Association: their impact on youth participation and work in communities. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(1), 148-175.
Rodrigues, Mariana, Menezes, Isabel, & Ferreira, Pedro (2018). Efeitos longitudinais de agentes de socialização política nos comportamentos de participação de jovens. Educação e Pesquisa. DOI:
Rodrigues, Mariana, Menezes, Isabel, & Ferreira, Pedro (2018). Validating the formative nature of psychological empowerment construct: testing cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and relational empowerment components. Journal of Community Psychology, 46:58–78. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21916
Teixeira, Carlota, Queiroz, Cidália, & Menezes, Isabel (2014). Práticas que (não) se desenvolvem, futuros que (não) se constroem: A participação dos jovens em instituições de acolhimento. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 41, 47-67.
Silva, José Eduardo, & Menezes, Isabel (2016). Art education for citizenship: Augusto Boal’s theater of the oppressed as a method for democratic empowerment. Journal of Social Science Education, 15, 4, 40-49. DOI: 10.2390/jsse-v15-i4-1507
Vieira, Laurindo & Menezes, Isabel (2017). O papel da escola angolana na educação moral e cívica. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 51, 197-221.
Livros e revistas
Caramelo, João, Fitzsimmons, Camilla & Menezes, Isabel (2019). Participation in non-formal education and community education – implications for civic and political capital. Journal of Social Science Education.
Loff, Manuel, & Menezes, Isabel (2015). Special Issue: Revolution and Memories. Journal of Social Science Education, 2.
Macedo, Elizabeth, & Menezes, Isabel (2019). Currículo, política e cultura: Conversas Brasil-Portugal. Curitiba, PR: Editora CRV.
Menezes, Isabel, & Ferreira, Pedro (2012). Educação para a cidadania participatória em sociedades em transição: uma visão europeia, ibérica e nacional das políticas e práticas da Educação para a cidadania em contexto escolar. Porto: CIIE.
Menezes, Isabel, Ribeiro, Norberto, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Malafaia, Carla, & Ferreira, Pedro D. (2012). Agência e participação cívica e política: O papel dos jovens e dos imigrantes na construção da democracia. Porto: LivPsic.
Menezes, Isabel & Makkawi, Ibrahim. (2013). Special Issue: Youth Civic and Political Participation and Citizenship Education in the South of the Mediterranean: Lessons from the Arab Spring. Journal of Social Science Education, 1.
Menezes, Isabel, Pereira, Virgílio B., & Hedke, Reinhold (2016). Educação e Participação Cívica e Política 40 anos depois do 25 de abril. Educação, Sociedade e Culturas.
Capítulos de livros
Cruz, Joana P., Malafaia, Carla, Silva, José Eduardo & Menezes, Isabel (2020). Between emotion and reason: The role of affective networks and events in sustaining the daily experience of environmental activism. In Sakuntala Banaji (Ed.), Youth Active Citizenship in Europe: Ethnographies of Participation. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Malafaia, Carla, Ribeiro, Norberto & Menezes, Isabel (2015). Participation among youth, women, and migrants: findings from Portugal. In M. Barrett & B. Zani (Eds.), Political and Civic Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 311-333). London: Routledge.
Ferreira, Pedro, Caetano, Andreia, Rodrigues, Mariana, Lopes, Pais, Sofia, Araújo, Helena C., & Menezes, Isabel (2013). Visions of the authoritarian past in citizenship education policies and practices in Spain and Portugal. In Reinhold Hedtke & Tatjana Zimenkova (Eds.), Education for civic and political participation: A critical approach (pp. 207-224). London: Routledge.
Lopes, Helena, Veiga, Sofia, Teixeira, Pedro M., & Menezes, Isabel (2014). Citizenship and higher education in Portugal: The impact of the Bologna process. In Jason Laker, Concepción Naval & Kornelija Mrnjaus (Eds.), Citizenship, democracy, and higher education in Europe, Canada and the USA (pp. 173-193). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Menezes, Isabel (2014). Fazer política por outros meios? In Eunice Macedo (Coord.) Fazer educação, fazer política: Linguagem, resistência e ação. Porto: IPFP, CRPF & CIIE.
Menezes, Isabel (2019). Young peoples’ visions and worries for the future of Europe: ‘Still hopeful after all these years?’. In Dagmar Strohmeier & Harriet R. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Young people’s visions and worries for the future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 project. London: Routledge.
Menezes, Isabel, Ferreira, Pedro D., Ribeiro, Norberto & Malafaia, Carla (2019). Schools as democracy labs. In Alexandra Licht, Irene Pateraki & Santi Scimeca (Eds.), If not in Schools, where? Learn and practice Democracy with eTwinning (pp. 11-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.